En:official approval

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Why Official Approval?

You need official approval primarily if you want to use our en:Cellar (autumn and cellar book). Only then will it be recognized by the wine control authorities. In some cases, official approval is also required by the relevant authority for maintaining the Inventory / bottle book in Winestro.Cloud. This is especially true if you have previously worked in an officially approved version of your old program. Since there is no universal regulation for maintaining the bottle book, please check with your relevant authority to see if official approval is required in your case.

Transition to Official Approval

Through System - Account - Approval you can independently initiate the process for transitioning to the officially approved version. You can start the switch to the officially approved version at any time. Afterwards, we will send you a notification of the approval by mail, which you must submit to your relevant authority.

Your responsible authority will inform you of the official approval date after their authorization. However, the program change takes effect immediately after initiation. We are happy to advise you on the transition; simply contact us via a help ticket in the program.

Changes Due to Approval

With the approval, several changes in program behavior occur:

- Documents (invoices / cancellations / credits) will be automatically closed after 3 days and can no longer be edited afterwards.
- Manual inventory changes can no longer be completely deleted, but only crossed out.
- It is not possible to backdate a product sale earlier than the date the product was entered into the system.
- Inventory changes and invoices will be checked for plausibility.
- All booking-relevant incidents will be recorded chronologically with the time of entry in a journal.
- Every change in the cellar book, material book, and autumn book will be stored in a traceable manner.

You should be aware of the following points. There are several changes that you need to implement. By making the transition, you acknowledge that...

- the approval will change your current program in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. 436/09, as well as the Wine Monitoring Regulation.
- this cannot be reversed.
- you must report the switch to the approved version to your responsible supervisory authority.
- you need to conduct an inventory in order to switch to the approved version.
- the cellar, material, and autumn books created in the unapproved program will all be deleted.
- after the transition, you will no longer be able to revert to any program backup from before the transition.
- you should not initiate the transition process if any items in the system have a negative stock level. (Please read more on this topic under "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers.")

Returning to the Unapproved Version

Once a program has been approved, it cannot legally be reverted to an unapproved version. To return, you must log in again and start with a new user number. Please note that there may be costs associated with data transfer during this process.


Since a change involves an inventory, it is advisable to switch to the approved version at the start of the financial year, either on January 1 or July 1. Otherwise, another year-end closing with inventory must be conducted.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Will the container list be deleted during the transition?

Since your container list is not critical, it will not be deleted during the transition.

Will the previous sales, customer data, invoices, and other bookings in the order management or inventory be deleted?

You can still access all sales, customer data, and invoices. However, all invoices will be finalized after 72 hours and cannot be changed afterwards. During the approval process, only the wine account sheets and the materials & harvest book will be deleted. Everything else remains unaffected.

Do I have to switch to the financial year? I have done the harvest as before on paper, so with the harvest book and cellar auxiliary book, and now I am transferring to the cellar book.

You can switch at any time—the program change will take effect immediately after it is triggered in the system. Your relevant authority will inform you of the approval date. It is advisable to align the switch with the interim financial year, as this simplifies things. However, it is not strictly necessary.

What’s important is to have a smooth transition, meaning a clear change on the cut-off date X. You have all documentation from before that day in paper form, and anything that happens afterwards in the wine account should be recorded   in Winestro.

Do I also need to correct the inventory for out-of-stock items?

Yes. However, these will not appear as clearly as the current sales stock in a comprehensive correction list. You can use the following trick: (1)Create a product group with all out-of-stock items using item selection. (2)Then activate these items (also through item selection) with one click to turn them into current items. (3)Now you can comfortably correct them in the "current sales stock" view. (4)Finally, make all items in the "out-of-stock items" group (created in step 1) out-of-stock again (also using item selection).

When should I book the negative inventory out?

If you want to trigger the official approval TODAY, the closing date refers to your items' inventory from YESTERDAY. So, if you want to make corresponding correction bookings in the menu under 'Items - Inventory,' change the date in the "current sales stock" mask in the upper left corner to the DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY.

Can I work with negative inventory again after triggering the official approval?

Yes. If you use two clients in Winestro.Cloud (one for production and one for sales) and balance the inventory of the sales client monthly with an invoice from the production client, you can continue this way. Just ensure that this process is transparent and regular!

Do I have to write all entries again? Harvest, sampling, etc.? Or can I just make a transfer and the remaining data will stay in the old cellar book?

If you have documented all work in the cellar neatly in paper form until the "cut-off date X," then only what happens in the cellar after the "cut-off date X" needs to be documented in your Winestro account. When creating your new wine accounts, you can check the box for entry under "Manual" and add a suitable remark like "Transfer to the officially approved version" or "Data transfer from old program."