En:Price groups
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Price groups determine the price of an article in a specific customer group and are therefore really important. You can add different articles in price groups and these price groups can then be assigned to the corresponding customers. You can create as many price groups, as you like. The creation and editing of price groups works the same way as for customer or article groups. With only one special difference: A price group can contain both articles and customers.
Create a new price group
To create a new price group, you have to open the price groups overview first.
Click in the program on Article - Groups - Price groups.
In this overview you can create, edit , open and export the price groups directly to your cash register.
On the left you can also filter the price groups: All price groups, Own price groups, Shop price groups
New Price group
To create a new price group, click in the price groups overview on the green plus sign , that you can find in the corner on the right.
Here you can then name the price group and enter a group note if necessary.
You can also check the boxes when creating the list: Is a net price group?, Is a B2B deposit list?, Is a B2C deposit list?
Fill price group
Hast Du eine Preisgruppe erstellt, kannst Du diese nun mit Artikeln (oben links) und Kunden/Kundinnen (oben rechts) füllen.
After you have created a group, the program automatically jumps to the screen for filling the price group. If you want to add items or customers to or remove them from a price group at a later date, you can do this using the magnifying glass.
Remember that customers can only be in one price group. If you add a customer to a new price group, they will be removed from their old price group if they have already been assigned to one.
Artikel hingegen können in beliebig vielen Gruppen vertreten sein.
Price list settings
You can mark price lists as net price lists. This setting only has an effect if you change the VAT values of the articles via the article selection.
Set price group as standard
You can use the star symbol (see first photo) to specify which price group is automatically assigned as the standard price group when new customers are created.