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Customer Relationships

They serve to represent relationships and affiliations of customers. This allows constructs like "Is mother of" or "Referred by" to be assigned.

In addition to mapping whether customers are in a relationship with each other, which is a weak relationship in the system, there are also strong relationships in the system where accounts are linked together.

Note: Usage is still basic/descriptive and will be expanded with upcoming updates.

Linking Accounts

If two accounts are to be linked, this can be done in the customer record using the symbol .

By linking, you can synchronize conversation notes, so it becomes clear what has been agreed with the respective other customer.

The function is suitable for all customers who require multiple entries in the database because they have multiple locations or similar reasons, where multiple contact persons or delivery addresses are not sufficient. The advantage is that individual customer data can be maintained, but communication and processing are synchronized.

Note: click here (YouTube-Video),  if you want to learn more about linking two accounts.


Defining a New Relationship Type

Relationships can be created via the tabCustomer - Relationship. New relationships can be added by clicking the green plus.

These relationships are weaker links in the system and can be set up, for example, in the form of Grandfather - Grandchild or Mother - Daughter. Of course, non-familial relationships can also be established, such as Sales Agency - Client of the Sales Agency.

These relationships are considered weaker because no accounts are linked; instead, the relationship is merely advantageous for selection purposes. You can use this selection to filter only customers who are in a relationship with each other, and this can be further refined, such as displaying only mothers and daughters.

Commission Recipients

Commission recipients are another form of relationship within Winestro.Cloud, where a link does take place.

A commission recipient can be assigned to a customer, which can be explored further in the dedicated Commissions wiki article.

Export Agent

Another form of customer relationship, available starting from the premium package, is the export agent. Here, a customer can be linked to another customer to whom you have assigned the role of export agent. This can be useful not only for export situations but also when you supply various branches of a chain that share a common billing address. More information can be found in the Export Agent article.

Applying Relationships

A relationship can be recorded in the customer file under the tab Administration - Relatations. Note that a relationship type must be created first.